Frequently Asked Questions

Location and contact info:

Mindful - downtown Los Angeles, CA

instagram: @_ruben_tattoos

How do I book a tattoo appointment?

Submit a booking inquiry on my booking page. Be ready with reference pictures and photos of the area you’d like tattooed. I will contact you for these.

How does pricing work?

Pricing is determined by the size, placement, and amount of detail in the tattoo. Usually, the total rate comes out to ≈$200/hr. My minimum is $300.

Deposit and cancellation policy:

Deposits are taken at time of scheduling. Your deposit means you have a spot on my calendar. Deposits are $300 and go toward the final price. Rescheduling must be done more than 24 hours before your appointment time. Deposits are non-refundable.

What forms of payment are accepted?

Zelle, Apple Pay, cash.

How do I prepare for my appointment?

Before your appointment, have a good meal, hydrate, and clean your body. Avoid drinking alcohol and consuming drugs the night before getting tattooed.

How Long will my tattoo take?

Sessions do not exceed 7 hours. The total time a tattoo takes to complete depends on factors such as size, detail, and placement. Small tattoos range from about 1-3 hours. Larger pieces may take 5-6 hours.

Where should I park my car?

There is parking outside on either side of the building, in the alleys. There is NO PARKING in the lot out front, your car may be towed!

Will my tattoo hurt?

Yes, all tattoos hurt.

How do I take care of my tattoo?

Wash the tattoo with liquid soap once a day, and your hand only. No washcloths, loofas, etc as these carry bacteria. Rinse with warm water and dab dry with clean napkins. Apply a very THIN layer of lotion. If it looks shiny or reflective, thats too much lotion. No swimming, submerging under water, suntanning, no direct content with pets/animals, no tight clothing, hoodies and long sleeves are OK. Avoid contact in public gyms for the first week.